

The students of 1st and 2nd ESO have prepared an oral exhibition about their daily routine with the help of our language assistant, Jack. They have also prepared a power point with the activities they usually do. Below you'll see an example:

HALLOWEEN - October 31st
Our language assistant has explained everything about Halloween. Look at the power point he has prepared!

It's Christmas time!! Look at the exercises and song we've learned with Jack!


This term the students of 2nd ESO will study the animals. With the help of our language assistant, Jack, they will focus on vocabulary related to the animal world. Below you'll find the vocabulary and the activities our students have done:

We have also recorded an oral activity which consists of guessing the name of an animal by asking a maximum of 10 questions. Here you have the video!

Also, this term the students of 2nd ESO will focus on the life of an important character. Jack has prepared a power point about the life of Bob Marley and the students will use it as a model. Here you can read some of
Bob Marley's most important facts:

St Patrick's Day - March 17th
Although Jack is not Irish, he enjoys St Patrick's Day! Below you'll see how this day is celebrated all around
the world:

Curs 2015 - 2016
The Suckablood
Aquest curs alguns alumnes de 2nABC estan fent una optativa de teatre en anglès. Mireu què han recitat!

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